Government departments have been established to meet the requirements of social and economic progress. 它建立了政府部门来满足社会和经济进步的需求。
I know that some in China believe that greater freedom could threaten economic progress by undermining social stability. 我知道,在中国有人认为扩大自由会破坏社会稳定,从而威胁经济发展。
Urbanization can lead to social and economic progress, but also pressure on cities to provide housing and services. 城市化可以带来社会和经济的进步,但是也给城市带来了服务和住房压力。
He said security improvements have helped clear the way for political and economic progress. 他说,安全的改善有助于清除政治和经济发展道路中的障碍。
Economic progress must also be environmentally and financially sustainable over generations. 经济进步还需要在环境上和财政上具有可持续性,延续到子孙后代。
Today, we have such an economy, one that has supported the greatest economic progress in emerging markets. 现在,我们已经有了让新兴市场取得最伟大经济进展的全球经济。
Economic progress is closely bound up with technological development. 经济进展与技术发展密切相关。
Pyongyang says economic progress is one of its main policy goals. 平壤表示,经济发展是朝鲜的主要政策目标之一。
Envy is, therefore, indeed both inseparable from economic progress and destructive of social cohesion. 因此,嫉妒实际上与经济进步和社会凝聚力的瓦解均有不可分割的关系。
The economic progress of the period can also be read in the steadily increasing volume of industrial production. 这个时期的经济进步,也可以看作是工业生产的稳步增长。
We must match economic progress with environmental stewardship. 我们在环境管理方面,必须赶上经济进步的步伐。
After World War II, Japan followed a peaceful road of development and achieved great economic progress. 战后日本走和平道路,经济上取得了很大的成就。
The previous president had already provided the groundwork for economic progress. 前任总统已为经济增长打下了基础。
They deepen poverty and hold back economic progress. 它们会加深贫穷并阻碍经济发展。
This Singaporean statesman laments that many political and other troubles have hampered Philippine economic progress. 许多政治和其他问题防碍了菲律宾的经济发展,李光耀感到非常惋惜。
Wide income disparities and substantial absolute poverty can act as powerful material and psychological disincentives to economic progress. 收入悬殊和较严重的绝对贫困,则从物质和精神上压抑经济的进步。
However, years of macroeconomic stability and economic progress may have inspired complacency. 不过,多年的宏观经济稳定与经济进步,可能引发了自满情绪。
It is our long-term central task to push forward the modernization drive and propel economic progress. 搞好现代化建设,推动经济发展,是我们长期的中心任务。
Indeed, this great nation is at the heart of much economic progress and development in the world today. 毫无疑问,这个伟大的国家将在今天的世界里取得更为巨大的经济进步和发展。
However, economic progress and political development are not mutually exclusive. 不过,经济和政治并非二选一的选项。
Has created a favorable market environment for the sustained and fast economic progress in the western regions. 为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。
The growing opportunities for Chinese Americans in China act as a useful barometer of the country's economic progress. 美籍华人在中国不断增加的机会,也成为中国经济和社会成长的一个很好的晴雨表。
Suppose you wanted to stop and reverse the economic progress of this nation. 假若你想使这个国家的经济发展停滞和倒退。
Because of Japan's economic progress, Japanese language learners have increased. 由于日本的经济发展,学习日语的人增加了。
In terms of social development and economic progress in Hunan province, growth is evident. 由于社会和经济的发展,湖南省有了很大的进步。
This country has registered extraordinary economic progress. 这个国家取得了惊人的经济发展。
But the revaluation has caused experts to reconsider economic progress in China. 但是,本次重估使专家们需要重新考虑中国经济的增长。
Others see it as a natural consequence of economic progress as employment shifts to the service sector. 另有专家认为,随着就业岗位转移至服务业,工业岗位和产值的减少是经济进步的自然结果。
Division of labor is an engine of economic progress. A similar phenomenon also exists in clonal plants. 劳动分工是经济进步的发动机,克隆植物也具有与经济学相类似的劳动分工现象。
Think about what this means as a measure of our collective social and economic progress. 想一下,要衡量我们共同的社会和经济进步,这会意味着什么。